
MacOS From Source

Open Terminal (if you don't know how to, click on the magnifying glass on the top right corner of your screen and type Terminal on the window that pops up) and navigate to the location where you want to install the bot (for example cd ~)

Installing Homebrew, wget and dotnet


Skip this step if you already have homebrew installed

  • Copy and paste this command, then press Enter: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

  • Install wget

    • brew install wget


  • Download .net6 SDK

  • Open the .pkg file you've downloaded and install it.

  • Run this command in Terminal. There might be output. If there is, disregard it. (copy-paste the entire block)

sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin

sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib
  • Run this command in Terminal. There won't be any output. (copy-paste the entire block):

sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin

sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/

sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and run the new installer script cd ~ && wget -N https://github.com/Wizkiller96/wizbot-bash-installer/raw/v4/linuxAIO.sh && bash linuxAIO.sh

  2. Install prerequisites (type 1 and press enter)

  3. Download the bot (type 2 and press enter)

  4. Exit the installer in order to set up your creds.yml

  5. Copy the creds.yml template cp wizbot/output/creds_example.yml wizbot/output/creds.yml

  6. Open wizbot/output/creds.yml with your favorite text editor. We will use nano here

    • nano wizbot/output/creds.yml

  7. Enter your bot's token

    • After you're done, you can close nano (and save the file) by inputting, in order

      • CTRL+X

      • Y

      • Enter

  8. Run the bot (type 3 and press enter)

Update Instructions

  1. ⚠ Stop the bot

  2. Update and run the new installer script cd ~ && wget -N https://github.com/Wizkiller96/wizbot-bash-installer/raw/v4/linuxAIO.sh && bash linuxAIO.sh

  3. Update the bot (type 2 and press enter)

  4. Run the bot (type 3 and press enter)

  5. 🎉

MacOS Manual Release installation instructions


Installation Instructions

  1. Download the latest release from https://gitlab.com/WizNet/WizBot/-/releases

    • Look for the file called "X.XX.X-osx-x64-build.tar" (where X.XX.X is a series of numbers) and download it

  2. Untar it ⚠ Make sure that you change X.XX.X to the same series of numbers as in step 1!

    • tar xf X.XX.X-osx-x64-build.tar

  3. Rename the wizbot-osx-x64 to wizbot

    • mv wizbot-osx-x64 wizbot

  4. Move into wizbot directory and make WizBot executable

    • cd wizbot && chmod +x WizBot

  5. Copy the creds.yml template

    • cp creds_example.yml creds.yml

  6. Open creds.yml with your favorite text editor. We will use nano here

    • nano wizbot/output/creds.yml

  7. Enter your bot's token

    • After you're done, you can close nano (and save the file) by inputting, in order

      • CTRL+X

      • Y

      • Enter

  8. Run the bot

    • ./WizBot

Update Instructions

  1. Stop the bot

  2. Download the latest release from https://gitlab.com/WizNet/WizBot/-/releases

    • Look for the file called "X.XX.X-osx-x64-build.tar" (where X.XX.X is a series of numbers) and download it

  3. Untar it ⚠ Make sure that you change X.XX.X to the same series of numbers as in step 2!

    • tar xf 2.99.8-osx-x64-build.tar

  4. Rename the old wizbot directory to wizbot-old (remove your old backup first if you have one, or back it up under a different name)

    • rm -rf wizbot-old 2>/dev/null

    • mv wizbot wizbot-old

  5. Rename the new wizbot directory to wizbot

    • mv wizbot-osx-x64 wizbot

  6. Remove old strings and aliases to avoid overwriting the updated versions of those files ⚠ If you've modified said files, back them up instead

    • rm wizbot-old/data/aliases.yml

    • rm -r wizbot-old/data/strings

  7. Copy old data

    • cp -RT wizbot-old/data/ wizbot/data/

  8. Copy creds.yml

    • cp wizbot-old/creds.yml wizbot/

  9. Move into wizbot directory and make the WizBot executable

    • cd wizbot && chmod +x WizBot

  10. Run the bot

    • ./WizBot

🎉 Enjoy

Steps 3 - 9 as a single command

Don't forget to change X.XX.X to match step 2.

tar xf X.XX.X-osx-x64-build.tar && \
rm -rf wizbot-old 2>/dev/null && \
mv wizbot wizbot-old && \
mv wizbot-osx-x64 wizbot && \
rm wizbot-old/data/aliases.yml && \
rm -r wizbot-old/data/strings && \
cp -RT wizbot-old/data/ wizbot/data/ && \
cp wizbot-old/creds.yml wizbot/ && \
cd wizbot && chmod +x WizBot

Last updated